Parent Coaching and Support for Families During Challenging Times

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Unlock Understanding,Untangle Conflict

Is your teen or young adult depressed, angry, anxious or withdrawn?

It’s hard not to lose your footing when your love and guidance don’t break through

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Whether you’re at the beginning of your journey or have been supporting your complicated child for many years, get the support and guidance you need now to create change within your family


“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.”

- C.S. Lewis

Consistency and Connection

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I provide coaching for parents of teenagers and young adults experiencing behavioral and mental health issues.


I'm Sarah MacKay. Together, we’ll reveal the insight and love you have for your teen or young adult — powerful gifts too often obscured by challenges and chaos. 

Beyond revealing your intuitive parenting strengths, I’ll empower you to focus on your own needs, which are easily abandoned in the process of raising a family in crisis, balancing work, and more.


You're not alone. Help is here. 

Is your teen or young adult struggling with…

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Anxiety & Isolation

Behavior Disorders

Defiant Behaviors


Failure to Launch

Internet & Gaming Addictions

Lack of Motivation

Learning Differences

Mood Disorders

Self-Harm or Suicidal Ideation 

Sexual Reactivity

School Refusal

Substance Abuse


 Here’s how I can help

1: 1 Parent

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Build confidence

Gain practical skills

Transition Planning & Aftercare Support

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Sustain progress

Chart next steps

next chapter
a book club for parents

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Stay Engaged

Challenge yourself


Parent support groups

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Feel understood
Learn in community

workshops and presentations

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Learn from experts
Deepen hope


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Deepen knowledge
Practice new skills


“Meeting Sarah was a true salvation.”

When my daughter returned home from a therapeutic boarding school, I did not have a transition plan.  Our home situation became almost unbearable. I felt desperate and very depressed. Sarah’s coaching helped me not only establish more effective communication and a better relationship with my daughter, but it also helped me to let go of my resentments and anger.


“Sarah is remarkably insightful, sensitive, intelligent and effective as both a parent coach and a support group facilitator.”

Her training as an educator--, combined with her personal experience parenting a child with mental illness--helps Sarah hone in quickly on solutions tailored to our situation. She consistently impresses us with just the right nugget of wisdom for the issue at hand!


“Sarah’s coaching helps open doors to less resistance, better communication and most importantly less stress for the entire family.”

Sarah has the uncanny ability to help parents understand how their current communication patterns with their teen and young adult 'children' are not working.  She helps them come up with insightful phrasing, practice conversations, and other ways to approach their difficult kids.


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Collaborates with these organizations


Member of All Kinds of Therapy


Book your free 30-minute consultation, and find out if coaching is right for you!